How can I keep my company's profile up to date?

We highly suggest keeping your profile as updated as possible to give your company the best chance of finding funding.

This includes regularly updating your:

  • Qualitative profile information
  • Investor Pitch Deck
  • Financial Model
  • Cap Table

Qualitative profile information

To update your qualitative profile information, select "Company Profile" from the menu.

Hover over the section you wish to edit and click the "Edit" box that will appear. Click "Edit", make the necessary changes and then click the green "Publish Changes" button located at the top of the page to save your edits.

Investor Pitch Deck, Financial Model, and Cap Table

To update either your company's Investor Pitch Deck, Financial Model, or Cap Table, you will follow the same steps as if you were uploading this information for the first time.

You can find the steps here: