FREE Data Health Check
After you upload your Investor Pitch Deck and Financial Model, our Content and Data Team will review your documents in the process of creating your profile. The Content Creator assigned to your profile can provide you with suggestions on what additional information you should consider including in your Pitch Deck based upon the feedback that Floww has received after conversations with hundreds of investors. The Data Analyst will review your Financial Model for any inaccuracies and give you feedback thereof and will also make suggestions as to which KPIs investors may have an interest in based on your industry. Learn more about Data Review on Floww.
Reporting on Floww
You also have the ability to add Angel Investors to your profile for ongoing reporting purposes. Not only does this make your reporting more efficient (reporting via one source), but Floww’s reporting dashboard provides Angel Investors with a unique and fully interactive insight into your company’s metrics. Learn more about Investor Reporting on Floww.
FREE Templates on Floww
Floww also has a number of free, downloadable resources for your perusal. These include pitch deck guidance documents (covering several business types, including B2B, B2C, SaaS, and more), cap table templates (applicable to different funding stages), and financial model templates (again, specific to different industries).