DESCRIPTION: Present a brief description of your company and the products/services you offer
- What investors look for:
- 2-3 lines on what your solution is and how your clients benefit from it
- This may include your company’s purpose, mission & vision
- Example text:
- "[Company Name] provides an embedded solution for the Financial Services industry through our proprietary payment network so that our clients can control and monitor their transactions more easily"
PROBLEM: Present the problem/s you’re trying to solve and the impact on your target customer/s
- What investors look for:
- 2-3 lines outlining the exact customer problem/s or challenge/s that you are solving
- More information on how costly the problem/s are to your clients (whether it's time, capital, resources, etc...)
- Example text:
- "On average, our clients spend £1m per year to try and solve their payment processing through expensive payment networks. Mastercard and Visa have inherently contributed to the majority of this cost"
SOLUTION: Present how your product/service directly addresses the client's problem/s presented
- What investors look for:
- Screenshots demonstrating how your products/services address the problems presented
- Clear explanation of features and how they benefit your clients (qualitative and/or quantitative)
- Clear ROI (return on investment) for clients
- Explanation of your transaction fee/s
- Example text:
- "Our payment network allows our clients to spend far less on payment processing at faster processing speeds, hence we are able to provide better services to their end-users. Our solution has managed to cut £1m in costs - on average - for our clients within 12 months"
- "We charge a transaction fee of 2% and a £100k once-off setup fee"
HOW-IT-WORKS: Present your technology stack and/or operational process flow and how the solution will be used by your end-customers
- What investors look for:
- Diagram of how your product/service works
- Tech stack used
- Business model/s and revenue stream/s
- Example text:
- "[Solution/Product Name] is an API that can be plugged directly into a client's checkout page, allowing the client to directly debit the end-user's checking account, as opposed to a credit card"
- "[Company Name]'s revenue streams include transaction fees, setup/installation fees, and interest earned on client money held"
MARKET: Present your company’s target sector/s, market potential, customer/s or use cases, and competitive landscape
- What investors look for:
- The total addressable market, serviceable addressable market, and serviceable obtainable market for your specific solution/service
- An alternative would be to show how costly the problem is that you are trying to solve within the market and/or how many of your target customers are affected annually/within a specific year
- Specific target customer segments (individuals, SMEs, large corporates, etc...), sectors, and/or geographies
- Analysis of direct or indirect competitors and how their product offering / positioning compares
- Example text:
- "Within the financial services industry, our solution is able to address the $20bn payment processing segment contributed to by problem X"
- "Currently, the financial services industry spends $30bn a year to pay for expensive payment networks such as Visa or Mastercard"
TRACTION: Present your company’s milestones to date
- What investors look for:
- Total number of transactions
- Number of transactions per client
- Average revenue per transaction
- Customer pipeline, including potential contract values
- Partners and investors
- Patents, licenses, certifications, awards, and media coverage
- Any specific milestones or strategic performance objectives the company has achieved or is trying to achieve in the near future
- Example text:
- "JPMorgan processes roughly £40m worth of transactions via our platform every year"
- "Our client lists includes Company X, Y, and Z, with Company 1 & 2 to be onboarded by summer of 2022"
- "Our company received ISO 20022 certification in early 2021"
TEAM: Present your core, management team and notable advisors (as applicable)
- Example text:
- "John Smith (Founder & CEO) – John held management roles at several tier 1 banks, including Bank of America and Wells Fargo"
- "Jane Doe (Advisor) – Jane has 10+ years of experience in the FinTech industry and specialises in open banking platforms"
Other useful information to include:
- Contact email (where can investors reach you?)
- Links to your website and social media pages (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and/or Vimeo)
- Your company registration and/or tax ID number
- Your company’s registered physical address